Be safe and connected in a press of a button.
Keep in touch with your loved ones at any time and any place, while easily reassuring them of your safety.
SoSafe is the quickest way to call your life’s heroes when in danger.
In the current state of our world, where safety is a concern, our mission is to transform it into a realm of security.

Personal safety is always a rising concern in Sweden.
This graph shows how many crimes happened each year. Some crimes got worse. In 1956, people got help from state emergency services. In 1980, cameras watched the streets. But the way to ask for help is still the same.
So, in 2021 we launched SoSafe!
While we cannot control the world around us, we can control how we respond to it. SoSafe combines the latest technology with user-friendly design to create a security solution that is as dynamic as the world we live in.
We believe in the power of giving individuals the tools to protect themselves. SoSafe is more than an alarm; it is an extension of your will to live a secure and unlimited life.

When in danger, every second is crucial.
When faced with a dangerous situation, it takes time to call for help. Every second matters as your life is on the line.
But with SoSafe, you just need a single press.
It only takes 13 seconds to be SoSafe.
With the SoSafe button seamlessly paired with the app, calling your loved ones becomes both easier and faster thanks to SoSafe's enhanced features.

With SoSafe, calling for your Heroes is easier than ever.
With the SoSafe button seamlessly paired with the app, calling your loved ones becomes both easier and faster thanks to SoSafe's enhanced features.
Timer Alarm
You can set a timer alarm when you go to different places. If you don’t turn off the alarm in time, your heroes will be notified that you are in trouble and they can help you.
Follow Me
With SoSafe, you can share a Follow Me with your selected contacts, and they will watch your trip until you reach your destination safely. If you don't reach your destination in time, we will notify your heroes.
Emergency Link
When the situation calls for a distress signal, you're just a click away. An emergency link is sent to your loved ones to notify that you need their help.

Live GPS Positioning
With the SoSafe button, you have the power to quickly activate alarm features, notifying your relatives and informing them of your exact location in case of an emergency.
Live Audio Recording
When in an emergency, the sound from your mobile phone is shared with your safety contacts and the alarm center. Therefore, you do not need to specify your concerns.